Verify Sub Contractor FAR 52.204-21 Compliance

Verify, monitor, and support subcontactor FAR 52.204-21 Basic Safeguarding of Covered Contractor Information Systems compliance.

 cmmc self assessment tool

Trusted by hundreds of organizations worldwide


Trust but Verify

Having Doubts About Partner Compliance?


Have they Implemented FAR 52.204-21 requirements?

Do you trust that your partner's have correctly implemented FAR 52.204-21 Basic Safeguarding of Covered Contractor Information Systems requirements?

Do they put your contract at risk?

Don't let a non-compliant partner put your organization's contract at risk. Verify their compliance and help them become compliant with our app.

Verify and support partner compliance

What Our App Accomplishes for You

Identify Partner Compliance Gaps

The app displays partner compliance gaps in easy to understand reports.

Identify Partner Risks

Partner risks are documented in a risk assessment report, revealining cyber risks in your supply chain.

Support Partner Compliance

Your partners receive a system security plan, plan of action and milestones, summary level/SPRS score, an assessment report, risk assessment report, documentation templates, project planner, and more to help them become compliant.


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